Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Moon Phase 月相

moon college
My Google personalised homepage tells me the moon phase everyday. Today (18 Oct 2006) it says: "waning crescent, 11% of full". I decided to check up the terms used to describe moon phases.

New Moon

New Moon新月(朔)
Waxing Cresent渐满峨嵋月(于新月与上弦月之间)
First Quarter 上弦月(第一个半圆月)
Waxing Gibbous 凸月(于半圆与满月之间)
Full Moon (also: Hunter's Moon) 满月(望)

Funnily enough, a quarter moon is not a quarter of a moon but a half moon in the first or last quarter of the lunar month.
A gibbous moon is the moon phase between bigger than a half moon and smaller than a full moon, called waxing or waning depending on whether it is growing towards or diminishing from a full moon. Wax in English meaning to grow gradually is used in describing the moon, possibly came from the Old German, wachsen, meaning to grow.


Full Moon满月(望)
Waning Gibbous残月 (于满月与下弦月之间)
Last Quarter 下弦月(第二个半圆月)
Waning Cresent 渐残峨嵋月(于半圆与下一个新月之间)

所以也不是很复杂哈。不过是两个crescent 峨嵋月和两个gibbous 凸月/残月而已嘛。不过我老是混淆望月与朔月,不记得哪个是那个。

So, it's not that baffling after all... two crescents, two quarters and two gibbous!


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