Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Scence in NYC 3) Christmas Tree & Skating @ Rockefeller Centre

The 69th annual Christmas tree @ Rockefeller Centre NYC

Christmas in NYC wouldn't be the same without it...

Don't know why but the skaters remind me so much of the film "Love Story"...although it wasn't about New York. We have seen so many film stories evolve aroud this city that its reality is interwind with its big screen virtuality. After so much imagination and anticipation, it's hard to tell whether you are acually seeing it or just in front of the silver screen.

Apparently after Christmas the tree will be recycled and used in horse jumping training.



Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Scene in NYC 2)


small community park, downtown NY

街心公园, 纽约下城

We just walked all the way cross Brooklyn Bridge and were excited but cold, lost, thirsty and bursting at the same time. I said I have to take a brake to enjoy the scenery but actually my feet hurt and what I really wanted was to sit down.


雾景 2 Fog

archive pictures from this time last year

nothing seems to hinder the rowers
天山鸟飞绝 万径人踪灭

ducks enjoy it too

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas every one ... ...
from Top of the Rock, Rockefeller building in New York!
Empire State building, green and red lights -- it's the spirit of Christmas in New York... ...


Top of the Rock was recommended to us as to have the best view all over Manhattan and it lived up to its reputation. We didn't have a very clear view of central park but that's just because it was a hazy day. Can't beat the dusk time, purple clouds fading, lights of the city emerging here and there. You can watch people in those clear glass boxes still working and they might be watching you too. The only problem is that they don't have a bag check or cloakroom so don't go there with bags of shopping you just did in the fifth ave because you are going to have to carry it around with you all the time! It took about 15 minutes or so of queuing to get to the top so give yourself plenty of time to catch the sunset.


You have seen a thousand sunset by the sea
a thousand times the purple fading clounds
The green lady beckons but you couldn't see
a thousand warm orange lights emerge and they know it's dusky
You watch the people in the small boxes, busy
they are not watching you watching the city

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

FB4 MoonChiu 潮式早茶


Chaozhou style dimsum at Moon Chiu in Whampoa Garden, Hunghom Bay, Hong Kong.

This restaurant is actually not that different from your everyday Cantonese style. They did serve two courses of Kongfu Tea at the beginning and the end of the Dimsum, so to make up for the specialties.

绿豆水晶包 糯米饭团
Mung bean buns
Steamed glutenous rice buns


Traditional Siumai, spring roll

Chaozhou style normally calls for congee but we were too full to complete the course!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006

FB3 More tea drinking and meals at home


Finally, after three cities and two sleepless jet-lag nights in transit, we landed in Guilin .


Friends felt sorry for us: we missed the sweet osmanthus scent in the air -- if only we were here the week before; and because of the warm autumn we are having here, the ginkgo leaves are still green so we miss the sight of golden ginkgo leaves too!


Oh, it's always next time. Or is it?


Then we ate at home every night, trying to be very nice children. Only once we went out at night for some Longjing and old friend catching up. We did, somehow through all the mad rush, managed to visit the Left Bank cafe, where the bridge and the seven star park could be enjoyed through the windows, three times. Their deep fried banana is a treat: searved fresh out of the pan, hot and sweet, perfect for longly hearts.

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房子我回来了 Hi house I am back


I remember when I was little we were watching this Japanese movie and the guy was greeting his flat after arriving back from a long trip. Mum couldn't understand why this guy was talking to a lifeless object like a house. Now look at me, I am doing the same thing, greeting our house after trips. Everthing seemed so cold and wintery compared to the warm weather we had whilst away so I was even more surprised and pleased that the veg tray on the kitchen sill is still going strong after a week or so us being not around! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

FB纪实2 邮电大厦早茶 China Cuisine Tour Nov 06 DimSum


Sit down and have a cup of tea -- best way to start a nice day.


YumCha -- Tea doesn't really mean tea only, of course you know that. It involves dim sum, all sorts of them.

Steamed rice noodle rolls, with pawn or beef or vegitarian, all delicious and my favourtie.


Boatman's congee, meal of its own, lots of goodies and yet perfectly balanced and calming.


Durian cake, crisp layers outside, rich durian inside, dream match!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

FB纪实1 广州川国典藏 China Cuisine Tour Nov 06 Chuanguo Signature Delicacies

Red, hot, delicious Sichuan cuisine

Hot-pot Fish & Pickle Stew
Dinner for kittens

GongBao Chicken - the original version

麻婆豆腐:MaPo Tofu

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Dry-fry Hot French Beans

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Weekend Gardener

A brand new long border. Lots of humus soil, I am looking forward to the next summer already.



Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sunflower Teddy

Second year of planting "Teddy Bear" and it has become my favorite. I didn't see the resemblance at first but clicked when the flower bloomed, bright orange and cuddly, it really is like a teddy bear.


From Summer Garden

Happy Halloween

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Garden Diary 日记 [2006年10月30日] Sunny

Things we have done in the garden this weekend, before the threatened frost finally came.

1. Divided the two chive plant into six and planted them out

2. Cut down the parasitic ivy-ish plant that's suffocating our hawthorn. It was hard work from AhNiu and a success. We found another bird nest on one of the branches. It's the 7th nest discovered this year, if my memory is anything to go by. However, in the process of taking of the parasite, one main branch of the hawthorn came down and it's covering the lawn. Shame, but it should grow out again next year.

3. Dug the cannas and aubergine up, cut top growth and put in some neutral compost, ready to put away in the shed for the winter.

4. Broadened the border a bit to 75cm from the fence. Can't wait to try it out next year.

5. Planted the garlic (during the week, actually). My parents were here and Mum planted garlic with me last year, so I was thinking of Mum when I was planting the garlics.

6. Bought some bulbs and wallflower ready for next year's show.








Another firey conversation

Heaven knows, back to back O.C. surely is the perfect antidote after a not-so-perfect long distance conversation with your always-right Dad. Phew, thank everything almighty, all the production team and casts of O.C., sky plus, sony television, and all people and fans who supported me over the years! Thank you!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Clock goes back today

And enjoy.
Stock up daylight-imitating light bulbs now to prevent SAD.
On the plus side, we got an extra hour tonight so I can watch 5 episodes of OC non-stop.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lunch at Carluccio's


Pumpkin is in season and pumpin soup is on the special menu.

A soup made of this season's essential ingrediants, pumpkin and carrots.


An interesting discovery is a Durin drink called bicerine:

B I C E R I N £ 2 . 3 5
A traditional drink from Torino – espresso coffee, Florentine drinking chocolate and cream. Served in small jugs for you to mix yourself
-- warm and sophisticated taste, perfect for an autumn day

I ordered a wild mushroom soup. 野生蘑菇浓汤也很有味。

ZUPPA DI F U N G H I CO N PA N C E T TA £ 3 . 9 5
A rich soup of mushrooms with Italian bacon, served with our
focaccia bread


F O C A CC I A £ 1 . 3 0
Freshly baked Ligurian bread made with olive oil

Liked the focaccia bread that came with the soup so searched the net for recipe, thinking I might try it sometime at home.

zt 意式面包-----佛卡夏(focaccia) 文学城 (附操作图):
1杯高筋面粉(bread flour)




nonstick spray(for baking用的)

步骤二:混和2杯面粉,面种,盐,糖在容器里,用HAND MIXER最低速拌匀(偶的HAND MIX上有5种速度),时间约一分钟;再用第2低档的速度搅拌5分钟直到面团表面看起来较光滑.这个时候,面团是较沾手湿润的.(原方是用的stand mixer,偶没有,就用了hand mixer代替.在使用HAND MIXER揉面的时候,面团有可能会随着搅拌棒的搅动而"盘旋"而上,其间可以停下来把面团从搅拌棒上取下,很容易的.然后再继续搅拌......如用 stand mixer先低速一分钟再中低速5分钟).
步骤三:把面团转放入表面喷了一层nonstick spray(for baking用的)的玻璃碗里,揉至面团表面光滑(几下就揉好了),如图2.然后再对着碗里喷上一层nonstick spray,盖上保鲜膜,放在暖和无风的地方发酵至doubled size,约1个半小时到2个小时.如图3

步骤四:准备一个9X13''的玻璃烤盘,滴上3大匙橄榄油,用手或刷子均匀地把烤盘抹上一层橄榄油,把发酵好的面团用手均匀地铺在烤盘里,再盖上保鲜膜,室温.如图4.让烤盘里的面团再次发酵到厚度有一英寸厚度,约1个小时.你会看到面团表面有很多的气泡,那就对了,说明yeast还存在.如图 5.******注意,这一步一定要让面团发酵到一英寸厚,否则烤出来的面包会很薄不松软.




步骤六:用nonstick spray喷在10个指头上,然后把10个指头伸入到面团底部,使面团上形成一些窝(dimple),如图7*******注意这一步,不要按太多的"窝窝",否则会另面团下塌,10个指头按下去的"窝"就差不多了~~




Thursday, October 19, 2006

Last bunch of tomatoes 最后一串番茄

Posted by Picasa 上两个星期清理一个番茄时剪下的最后一串,原以为今年不再会有自家种的番茄吃了,但是余下的两棵番茄依然长势不减,不断有变红的果子出现。今年的中都是小颗粒的,不过水分多,也很甜。好多没有及时摘下来都皲裂了有些可惜。


Last bunch of tomatoes from one of our three tomato plants this year. Didn't expect them to surive into late October, it's the wonder of the summer. Maybe we are expecting another late winter this year.

Do you think about, at this point, celebrating the prosperity of this summer or worrying about the unpredictable summer of next?

小莫里斯与"我爱公费医疗" Morris Minor & I Love NHS

今天在医院停车场看到这辆虽然非常古董但是仍然清新迷人的小莫里斯(Morris Minor)。这款在英国从1948年热卖到1972年的迷你(Mini)车的设计前身果然具有亲和力,圆头圆脑巨可爱,怪不得到现在还是有许多忠实拥趸。

细看之下,这位车迷还是NHS(National Health Servie, 全民保健服务系统)的忠心拥护者,车前窗上贴着I love NHS的小横幅。横幅上写着"要公共服务,不要私人得利"(Public Service, Not Private Profit)。

可以看出,全民保健服务系统还是有很大群众基础的,这是英国二战后建立福利国家warefare state的最重要一环,十九世纪以降几代人努力和骄傲的成果。然而六十多年过去,福利国家系统核心之一的全民保健系统在做出不可否认的成绩的同时也面临重重危机,何去何从是这个国家上至首相下到平民百姓都切身体会深刻关注的问题。虽然经过工党政府过去十年投入巨资全面改革的NHS在许多服务如急诊等待时间,择期手术等待时间等设定改良目标上有长足进展,然而超过6亿英镑的巨债却让人怀疑这个庞大机构的管理及运行效率,也让NHS本身喘不过气来,不停传出关闭医院及裁员等等听起来像头痛医头脚痛医脚的举措。


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Moon Phase 月相

moon college
My Google personalised homepage tells me the moon phase everyday. Today (18 Oct 2006) it says: "waning crescent, 11% of full". I decided to check up the terms used to describe moon phases.

New Moon

New Moon新月(朔)
Waxing Cresent渐满峨嵋月(于新月与上弦月之间)
First Quarter 上弦月(第一个半圆月)
Waxing Gibbous 凸月(于半圆与满月之间)
Full Moon (also: Hunter's Moon) 满月(望)

Funnily enough, a quarter moon is not a quarter of a moon but a half moon in the first or last quarter of the lunar month.
A gibbous moon is the moon phase between bigger than a half moon and smaller than a full moon, called waxing or waning depending on whether it is growing towards or diminishing from a full moon. Wax in English meaning to grow gradually is used in describing the moon, possibly came from the Old German, wachsen, meaning to grow.


Full Moon满月(望)
Waning Gibbous残月 (于满月与下弦月之间)
Last Quarter 下弦月(第二个半圆月)
Waning Cresent 渐残峨嵋月(于半圆与下一个新月之间)

所以也不是很复杂哈。不过是两个crescent 峨嵋月和两个gibbous 凸月/残月而已嘛。不过我老是混淆望月与朔月,不记得哪个是那个。

So, it's not that baffling after all... two crescents, two quarters and two gibbous!
