Monday, January 15, 2007

The House, The Seasons 小屋与四季

In an attempt to spot the lengendary comet, I spent hours in the garden before sunset, staring into the south-west. Numerous comet-like objects came and went -- we are close to Heathrow and it shows -- but not the lovely McNaught.


However, it did give me the opportunity to maybe look around me in this light, for the last time? -- weather report shows rain for the next week.


I like to hide in this little haven, the west tip of the island, peep through the yews, the magnolia and the willow tree, and the trees I don't know the names.


April. The magnolia is in full bloom, the willow leaves are so fine, the green in the air is so young, so light.


June. The magnolia flowers had gone and its leaves are forming shades. The airy willow became a patterned curtain. In a corner, the wild ox-eye daisies are having a party. At another, the wisteria is having their time too.


We are moving, and we shall miss the house, and the seasons around it. Sometimes, perhaps?


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